Thursday, April 12, 2012

Shaving Faces

Last night Yoshi had his face shaved for the first time.  Gone is the fuzzy "terrier" style face, replaced by a baby-bum smooth fleshy look...I finally feel like I own a Hairless Chinese Crested rather than a small fuzzy wiggle-machine.

Who knew it could be so nerve-racking to shave something that is part ferret?  He did well, but talk about squirm!  We then had a full body re-shave, a bath, a blow dry and a lot of play time afterwards, including a trip to "Auntie" Kelsey's to play with Roxie Roller, the 4 year old Min Pin!

Today after work Yoshi has his first vet checkup since coming home, just to ensure he's healthy as a whipper-snapper (which I know he is!) and also to educate this small town Vet Clinic on what a Chinese Crested is; the poor receptionist seemed rather confused when I built his profile and made the appointment, lol.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bringing Home Baby

On March 17th, 2012 I drove 2 hours to the small town of Spruce Grove, outside of Edmonton, Alberta, to pick up my 8 week old Chinese Crested (hairy hairless) boy.  I have been infatuated with the Chinese Crested breed since I was first introduced to them, at the age of 12, by a Dog Breed Encyclopedia I had read front to back, back to front multiple times.

To give you some background, I have grown up with large breeds mainly, ranging from mutts to Keeshonds', Collies to Pitbulls and Great Danes.  I have never been a "small breed person" and yet the Chinese Crested draws me in with their amazing, quirky personalities and incredible sense of intelligence.  They are kind and caring, extremely loyal but friendly to all, spunky but cuddly and very good on my allergies!

Here begins my life with Yoshi, born January 22nd, 2012 in Spruce Grove, Alberta. Feel free to tag along as I learn about all the joys and pitfalls of training a 2.5lb puppy to be a respectable 7-10lb adult member of canine society, plus learn about skin care, grooming and appropriate food for a breed known to have many allergies.